The main concept of the Alternative Car Park Tower, titled ‘Sky Street’, by Hugon Kowalski, Adam Wiercinski and Borys Wrzeszcz was to create parking spaces as an extension of the street. Typical city-street features with a traffic lane, parking spaces, sidewalk and tram was taken out which helped to shape their building form. More images and project description after the break.
Another main issue supporting this idea was to enable collision-free circulation. For that purpose the structure of the building consists of two spirals. The indicated street forms an external contour of the building – way-up spiral. Inside of this spiral, there is a mirrored way-down spiral. Both of them connect once at the half of the circle. Due to this solution, the driver is able to drive in, park the car and later go down keeping the same direction all the time. On the top of this structure the way-up spiral smoothly merges way-down spiral.
The building outline stands out of Victoria’s Bay panorama. The object is not as high (100m) as surrounding skyscrapers but its shape makes a symbol in the area. Its spherical shape makes coherent construction, linked way-up and way-down spiral, both made of concrete, are supplementary consolidated with a steel frame inside the object. The complete body creates an exceptionally tough, egg-shaped construction. The second face of the object is its amazing interior. The huge vault can be adopted in various ways. In two locations of the building there are suspended platforms designed for multi-purpose area.
Illumination of the object depends on its users. During the night lights of cars and trams shine in the specular ceiling. Building glows as a lantern.